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How Easy Is It To Get a Divorce In Ontario?

Divorce can be as easy or as complicated as both parties choose for it to be. In the case of a joint divorce, for example, both spouses agree on all matters of the divorce and do not need to go to court. However, in less amicable or agreeable situations, lawyers and mediators may be required […]

How can I get joint custody of my child?

When parents are separating, or divorcing, the biggest challenge they face typically is deciding upon child custody. When it comes to determining child custody, the courts ask one question: what are the best interests of the child? Before any court decision, parents may discuss and consider sharing joint custody of their child or children. Joint […]

How is Retroactive Child Support Paid?

The law states that parents are responsible for financially supporting their dependent children. If a couple separates or a marriage breaks down, regardless, child support may need to be paid by the parent who spends less time with the child, or in the case of shared custody situations, by the parent with the greater income. […]