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What are the Benefits of Collaborative Divorce?

A couple sits on the beach and considers collaborative divorce

Collaborative divorce is an approach to divorce whereby both parties agree to work together, with two collaboratively trained lawyers (and sometimes third party professionals as well) to find a mutually-agreeable solution to the division of assets and responsibilities.

This approach is not always possible, depending on the circumstances under which marriage ended. In cases where there has been violence or abuse, a collaborative divorce approach likely will not be possible or practical.

If, however, you and your partner are willing and able to work together to find a peaceful resolution, here are some of the benefits you can expect to find from the collaborative divorce process.

Quicker resolution

This isn’t necessarily the case, but cooperation typically means that a resolution will be met sooner rather than later. With both parties working, along with their legal representatives to find a solution the process moves a lot faster than when neither party is trying to find ways to gain an advantage over the other. If you compare this approach to the Court system you can save a significant amount of time.

Less expensive

Again, this isn’t necessarily going to be true in every situation. But with less butting of heads and less time required to reach an agreement, you are likely to get through with more money in your wallet. In every case, Collaborative Family Law is less expensive than a litigious court battle.

More private

Once a divorce reaches the courts, the details and circumstances surrounding the case begin to reach a wider audience. If you want certain details to remain private, the easiest way to do this is to keep the case out of court and away from the public eye.

More control

Collaborative divorce means that the final details of your arrangements are agreed upon and decided by you. Alternatively, if your case reaches a judge, the end result is out of your hands. Conceding on some points in a collaborative divorce but still reaching a peaceful compromise may be a welcome change from having all decisions made by a third-party.

You will also control the timing of your meetings rather than being at the whim of the Courts.

Less stress and emotional suffering

There are very strong emotions at work during a divorce. Anger, sadness, frustration and hatred can all flare up during the process. Whereas a confrontational approach fuels all of these emotions, a collaborative approach encourages a calmer and more respectful way of dealing with the situation. With less conflict and harsh negative emotions there tends to be less of a negative impact on children.

Contact Epstein & Associates today and set up your free consultation to see how collaborative divorce might be the option you are looking for to find a peaceful solution to your divorce.