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The Top 7 Things You Can Do To Help Yourself Through Divorce and Separation

Mourn the loss of the relationship

The loss of companionship and the loss of support; financial, social, emotional or otherwise, may produce an overwhelming number of conflicting feelings like anger, sadness, hurt, or relief. Grieving is essential to the healing process which can help individuals let go of an ended relationship. Talk to someone trusted about what you are going through. The loss of a future together with a partner is devastating, but as an individual, you have a lot to look forward to.

Reach out to the right people for support

Support is a critical component to healing after your divorce or separation. Although you may not be confident at this time, isolating yourself is not the right answer. Reach out to friends and family members. Spend time with people that lift your spirits and energize you. If you feel like you require outside help like a support group or counseling group, don’t hesitate. Finding a place you feel comfortable opening up in is important. Cultivate new friendships whether you reach out and take a class, join a special interest group, volunteer, or go to a place of worship.

Be physically active!

Divorce and or separation are life-changing events that cause stress and uncertainty. Nurture yourself by joining a gym, taking up running or doing something physical. Studies have shown that exercise and physical activity are proven to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Being active can help change your perspective on your circumstances. Health Canada suggests the following in developing and maintaining positive mental health:

  • Eat a nutritionally balanced diet
  • Take part in physical activity regularly
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Avoid overuse of alcohol and the use of illegal drugs
  • Minimize the stress in your life
  • Share feelings and anxieties by talking to others


Don’t underestimate the power of having someone to speak to outside of your close friends and family. Sometimes, objective perspective is required. In order to cope with the difficult changes during uncoupling, counselling or divorce therapy can be beneficial mentally and emotionally. Trained divorce professionals can offer support and guide you in developing healthy coping mechanisms that can help you during this life transition.

Think Positively!

Surround yourself with people who make you feel valued, cherished and important. A positive mind anticipates happiness and good things. It will teach your mind to expect success and growth.

Plan an event to look forward to

Do you love going to the movies? Do you love going out to dinner with good friends? Do you love weekend getaways? Plan for it! Having small things to look forward to be great motivators to help keep you focused. Create a list of some of your favourite things and indulge in these when you need a break. Need some inspiration? Create a playlist of uplifting music.

Choose a Divorce lawyer that you are comfortable with

Find an Ontario family law lawyer that you are can trust. Speak to a friend or family member about legal professionals they have used. Find one that suits your budget, who you have met in-person and who has experience dealing with family law issues in Ontario. You should feel comfortable with the lawyer’s style and method of dealing with family matters and finances, as you and your partner uncouple. You should also feel secure in the support network available within the law firm.

For more divorce information or separation advice, contact a reputable family law lawyer at Epstein & Associates. We would happily sit down with you for a free consultation to discuss your unique family situation, whether you are seeking a separation agreement, a collaborative divorce or further divorce support and guidance. With a new location recently opened in Barrie, our skilled law professionals are now for available in the Barrie, Ontario region in addition to our locations in Toronto, Richmond Hill and Newmarket.