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6 Ways Technology Is Changing Divorce Proceedings

Divorce and cheating have never been so accessible.

With many options for filing for divorce online or participating in cybersex, people from across Canada can largely navigate through both divorce proceedings, or an affair, with just a few clicks.

In this article, we explore the ways technology has both negatively and positively impacted divorce.

Filing For Divorce Online

In trying times, divorcees may want to expedite their divorce, looking to online options that will keep them out of the courts, away from lawyers, and apart from their partner.

But what is lost when people divorce online with sites like Divorceify, PartUs, or Wevorce?

We’d argue, a lot.

By removing all human interaction and communication from an often emotional and difficult task, people can allow themselves to withdraw and become numb to the process.

Should a divorce really be as easy as maintaining your Facebook page?
For the sake of processing, receiving closure and healing, probably not. There is too much at stake.

Social Proof In Custody Battles

Spouses can now use social media evidence to help make their case during a divorce. For example, if a mother posts photos taking part in risky or illegal behavior, the father could present these images to the court while discussing child custody.

Many lawyers will review social media profiles to help present a stronger case.

Online Infidelity

No longer are the days where cheaters are only caught in the act, disappearing for business trips, or coming home late at night. Instead, more and more people discover or become suspicious that their partner is cheating via online activity or being tethered to their phones in a secretive manner.

Online infidelity, whether acted on physically or not, may be an affair leading to cybersex or other non-monogamous behaviors outside a marriage.

These types of relationships can begin through Facebook, email and chat rooms where individuals may feel like they’re “not really cheating” or “just exploring.” Many of these individuals may never even meet the person exchanging texts and/or pictures with.

“I will have an easier time as a therapist if the couple walks in and the man or woman had random sex with a stranger than somebody who has found a best friend on the Internet and they haven’t even touched.” – M. Gary Neuman, Marriage Counselor

Therefore, it is up to the couple to decide what they agree constitutes cheating or reason for divorce in their marriage. For some, cheating is any verbal, emotional, or physical intimacy with someone other than your spouse. For others, different rules may be agreed upon.

“The Internet will soon become the most common form of infidelity if it isn’t already.” – Beatriz Mileham, University of Gainsville

Online Addictions

Another form of online infidelity can present itself in the form of online sex addiction. For some couples, this may be considered cheating, or may symbolize deeper problems in their relationship.

“The most common problem… is that even when nothing physical happens there’s a feeling of infidelity and betrayal as much as when two people have a real affair.” – Gill Munro

Spouses may also turn to divorce if they discover their partner is watching pornography they feel is compulsive, strange, violent, or concerning.

Online Divorce Community Support

Technology isn’t all bad, though. While filing for divorce online may take away the support of lawyers and loved ones, the Internet has also brought divorcees closer together.

Through avenues like Facebook, Instagram, and blogging sites, people from all around the world are able to connect with one another, reading each other’s stories, sharing tips, and providing support.

Online chat rooms can be used for good – to help people feel less alone in the process.

Dating Sites & Apps

When a marriage is over, technology can also help individuals to move on, considering getting married again or beginning a relationship through a dating site or app.

Dating sites have the ability to connect singles and give them another shot at love post-divorce, no matter their location or age. Some are even geared to people who are divorced.

Contact Epstein & Associates Today

If you are concerned that your partner is participating in an online affair, is addicted to online sex, or has posted photos that make you question the safety of your children, contact us today. We’re here to help.