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How The Internet Is Impacting Your Divorce

How The Internet Is Impacting Your Divorce

In today’s society recognizing that while technology and social media are powerful tools that can help in the divorce process, they can also interfere with it. The pervasiveness of technology and social media impact our everyday lives and something as personal as divorce proceedings are no exception. Technology Used as Evidence  It is interesting to […]

How Assets are Split in a Divorce

How Assets are Split in a Divorce

If you get divorced in Ontario, the answer can be confusing. Divorce law in Ontario falls under the Family Law Act and it focuses on ensuring couples leave the marriage on relatively equal footing. When it comes to splitting finances in divorce cases in Ontario, there is one main aspect that the law focuses is […]

My Spouse Got Laid Off: What Happens to My Child Support?

My Spouse Got Laid Off: What Happens to My Child Support?

At the point when you lose your employment, you likely will need to shift child support. The measure of child support should change dependent on your salary.  You will need to ensure that you address the change in your income quickly and before any enforcement procedures are taken. Along these lines, it’s imperative to book […]