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When Addiction Leads To Divorce

After tobacco, alcohol and drug addiction are the two most common substance addictions in Canada, with alcohol abuse significantly outweighing all other forms. Most adults with dependency are able to function much the same as anyone else, holding down jobs and relationships but there can be a gradual transition from dependency to addiction or a […]

Do I Need An NDA To Protect My Business?

A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is a useful level of protection for information or intellectual property (IP) that is confidential and sensitive to an organization. An NDA can prevent important information from getting into the wrong hands and being used to negatively affect your company in the way of reduced profit or revenue, or damage to […]

5 Ways to Support Children of Divorce

A child that doesn’t get the support they need through their parents’ divorce will almost certainly have to deal with some issues that may appear in later life, such as depression, anxiety, or inability to sustain relationships of their own. At worst, the psychological effects of divorce can be lifelong on children.  No parent wants […]

Separation Can Burn

An Ottawa businessman’s plans to outsmart his ex-wife and the court went up in flames, as the man admitted to burning over $1 million dollars in an attempt to circumvent his ex-wife’s equalization (a division of property) and support claims.  Bruce McConville told an Ottawa Court that he sold a number of his properties and […]