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My Business Partner and I want to Split. How do we move forward?

Two business partners trying to decide to how to split up the business with the help of a corporate lawyer

You’ve built a business together but now something or other has made it clear that you will need to go your separate ways. Maybe it’s a mutually agreed upon decision – or maybe you are expecting a tense and bitter battle to determine the percentage of ownership and the division of assets. Either way, you […]

When You Are Responsible For A Loved One’s Estate

Estate Executor of a Loved One's Newmarket Estate

Being named as an estate executor is an honour; it shows that you are highly trusted, and perceived as responsible and competent. However, this responsibility can feel stressful. Administering an estate is very time-consuming and you may be forced to deal with skepticism or complaints from beneficiaries about the way things are being handled. The […]

When is the right time to prepare a Will?

A man preparing his final will and estate

It can be uncomfortable to think about planning ahead for your own death. The fact remains, however, that this is something that everyone needs to prepare for in order to guarantee that the hard work we have done over the course of our life is not done in vain. Without a will, assets acquired over […]