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What is a Father Entitled to Regarding Child Custody & Access?

Learn what rights a father has with child custody and access in Ontario

There is no law distinguishing the rights of a man, as a father, and a woman, as a mother, when it comes to questions of child custody and visitation rights. However, there are certain social and historical stereotypes that persist and that may sometimes be difficult to overcome in certain factual scenarios.  Joint Custody Is […]

What Can I Do If My Ex Stops Paying for Child Support?

A child and his father who is wondering about child support payments

Regular child support payments are an important part of ensuring the well-being of a child or children following the end of a relationship. Because of the financial implications, the responsibilities are child support payments are defined very clearly in a separation agreement. However, it can be possible, for any number of reasons, that a former […]

Can My Ex and I Use the Same Lawyer?

A divorcing couple meeting a lawyer

Divorces can get expensive. In the interest of saving money, you may start thinking about whether you can share a lawyer with your ex – or if you can simply ask their lawyer for legal advice when you need it. If you and your partner simply have grown apart and there are no truly malicious […]