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Unequal Division of Family Property and Family Law

Section 5(6) of the Family Law Act provides: (6) The court may award a spouse an amount that is more or less than half the difference between the net family properties if the court is of the opinion that equalizing the net family properties would be unconscionable, having regard to, a spouse’s failure to disclose […]

Family Law: Protecting your Pets in an Ontario Divorce

Pet owners love their pets, and to some it may seem absurd that Ontario law considers them as property to be divided at a breakdown of a marriage. The following are ways to protect yourselves and your pets in the event of a divorce: 1. Registration: If your pets are registered, make sure you look […]

Parents Can Temporarily Lose Custody If They Alienate One Another

In Ene v. Ene the parties were married in 1990 and separated in 2014. There are two children of the marriage, two daughters, aged fifteen and four. Following the separation, the Mother moved out of the matrimonial home and took the youngest daughter with her. The older daughter, continued to reside in the home with […]

US Child Custody Reform Make Shared Parenting The Norm

It appears our southern neighbours may be taking the lead in bringing custody and access arrangements in line with modern times. At least ten states are discussing child and custody reforms to make equal time with both parents the standard arrangement upon divorce. To be fair, Canada has attempted the same but we seem to […]